Our 5 Top Tips To Stay Healthy
1. Boost your immune system with fruits and veggies
Try to get in as many fruits and veggies as you can. We all know that fruits and vegetables are so powerful for your health and immune system as they provide so many amazing vitamins and minerals and they are also packed full of fibre and healthy carbohydrates. We like to focus on what we're adding onto our plates not what we're removing so including lots of vegetables and fruit in every meal helps to crowd out refined sugars and carbohydrates that don't serve us as well.
2. Gut health
Try to make sure you're eating fermented or probiotic foods every day. Some of our favourites are our Coconut Yoghurt of course, plus sauerkraut, kimchi and kefir. Gut health is so important to your overall health. As Hippocrates famously said "all disease begins in the gut" this couldn't be more true as 70% of your immune system lives in your gut. Now more than ever it's essential that you're nourishing your gut microbiome with probiotic-rich foods.
3. Move your body
We're lucky enough to be able to still go out for walks and exercise in our neighbourhoods and getting out and doing this has such a positive impact on your mental health and also your physical health. Exercise increases the production of endorphins and can also flush out toxins. Another great way to stay active is through all the great online yoga and HIIT classes that are available at the moment.
4. Sleep
It's so important to try to make sure you're getting 8 hours sleep a night as a lack of sleep depletes your immune system and also causes you to crave sugar and refined carbohydrates as your body is tired and looking for a quick 'pick me up'.
5. Mindfulness
This is such a difficult, stressful and uncertain time for so many people and it's so important to be kind to yourself and others during this time. A great tool to relieve stress is to try to create moments of mindfulness every day whether it's a walk-in nature, a ten-minute meditation, creating a gratitude journal or just a few moments sitting in stillness to recollect our thoughts.